Bulk operations

This example demonstrates how to select grid records and perform on them some action.

  • To select/unselect only one record, we use grid.toggleSelected method.
  • To select/unselect all records, we use grid.toggleSelectAll method.
  • To get all selected records, we use grid.getAllSelected method.

Let’s implement a simple grid which will consist of ‘name’, ‘surname’, ‘phone’, ‘age’, ‘gender’ fields and first column ‘bulk’ containing checkboxes for toggling selection of records.

In our example

  • selecting of 1 record will be performed in columns.onClickRefs() at columns.js by calling grid.toggleSelected(recordId).
  • Selecting of all records will be performed in method toggleSelectMode() by calling this.grid.toggleSelectAll() at MainComponent.js


class MainComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      model: model,
      bulkMode: false, // state for toggle button (Select all / Clear all)
      selectedNum: 0
    this.onSelectedChange = this.onSelectedChange.bind(this);
    this.toggleSelectMode = this.toggleSelectMode.bind(this);
    this.someAction = this.someAction.bind(this);

  onSelectedChange(records) {
      selectedNum: records.length

  toggleSelectMode() {
      bulkMode: !this.state.bulkMode

  someAction() { // this function can do anything what you need
    const records = this.grid.getAllSelected();
    alert('BulkMode: ' + this.state.bulkMode + ' Records: ' + records.join(', '));

  render() {
    const buttonText = this.state.bulkMode ? 'Clear all' : 'Select all';
    let numText; // selected records

    if (this.state.bulkMode) {
      numText = 'Selected all records.';
    } else {
      numText = `Selected ${this.state.selectedNum} ${this.state.selectedNum === 1 ? 'record' : 'records'}`;

    return (
      <div className="container">
        <div className="row">
          <div className="col-sm-12">
            <a className="btn btn-success" onClick={this.toggleSelectMode}>{buttonText}</a>
              ref={(grid) => this.grid = grid}
            <a className="btn btn-success" onClick={this.someAction}>Some action</a>


const columns = {
  bulk: {
    width: '40px',
    className: 'text-center',
    render: [(record, selected) => {
      return '<input ref="checkbox" type="checkbox"' + (selected ? ' checked' : '') + '/>';
    onClickRefs: {
      checkbox: (function (event, recordId, record, grid) {
        grid.toggleSelected(recordId); // toggle our record id
  name: {
    name: 'First Name', // columns title
    sortCycle: ['asc', 'desc', 'default'], // sort cycle
    render: ['name', record => _.escape(record.name)]
  /* ...configuration of other fields... */


  const model = new UIKernel.Models.Grid.Collection({
    data: _getRandomRecords(20),
    /* ... some other methods which are not important in this example */