
UIKernel provides the following editors:


Select is a simple component for ReactJS. It is used to create a drop-down list.


Select Properties

Type Name Description
Any value Field value
Function onChange Selection change handler
Boolean disabled=false Disabled flag
ListModel model Data model instance - object with methods which return necessary data
Function onChangeLabel Label change handler
Array options Options in a [[id1, label1, props1], …] or [label1, label2, …] format

If you pass the options prop to the Select editor, you don’t need to pass the model prop there, and vice versa.

Passed model is expected to be compatible with List Model Interface. It should have method read which is expected to return promise resolving with options list(array) in format [[id1, label1, props1], …] or [label1, label2, …], where

  • id - List item id, which can be any serializable value
  • label - String value of the list item label
  • props - Object with props that will be passed to the corresponding <option /> item, e.g. {disabled: true, title: "this option is disabled"}


DatePicker is a ReactJS component that allows the user to select a date.


DatePicker Properties

Type Name Description
String || Date || Number value Field value
Function onChange Value change handler
String format Inner field value format
String textFormat Displayed field value format
Date min Minimum date value
Date max Maximum date value
Function onBlur Element lost focus handler
Boolean show Show on init flag

Here format and textFormat property can be combinations of the following:

Input Example Description
YYYY 2014 4 or 2 digit year
YY 14 2 digit year
Y -25 Year with any number of digits and sign
M MM 1..12 Month number
MMM MMMM Jan..December Month name in locale set by moment.locale()
D DD 1..31 Day of month
Do 1st..31st Day of month with ordinal
DDD DDDD 1..365 Day of year
X 1410715640.579 Unix timestamp
x 1410715640579 Unix ms timestamp


  • “YYYY-MM-DD” will match “1997-01-26”
  • “DD.MM.YY” will match “01.02.97”
  • “D/M/YYYY” will match “1/2/1997”


SuggestBox is a ReactJS component that can be used to quickly create a drop-down list with support for searching and scrolling.


SuggestBox Properties

Type Name Description
  value Field value
Function onChange Selection change handler
Boolean disabled Disabled flag
ListModel model Data model instance - object with methods which return necessary data
Function onLabelChange Label change handler
Function onMetadataChange Meta data change handler, called with onLabelChange
String label Text label
String defaultLabel Default text label
React Element notFoundElement Element to be displayed when there are no search results
React Element loadingElement Element to be displayed when list items are loading

Passed model is expected to be compatible with List Model Interface. It should have methods read and getLabel.

  • Method read is expected to return a Promise resolving with an Array in format [{“id”: “List item id”, “label”: “List item label”, “metadata”:{}, “type”: “subitem”}, …]. Where
    • id - List item id, which can be any serializable value
    • label - String value of the list item label
    • metadata - Object with any additional data needed for your code which will get it in onMetadataChange callback w
    • type = “group” or “subitem” which means that the label will be displayed as a group headline or a subitem of the last group headline respectively.
  • Method getLabel is expected to return a Promise resolving with a string value which matches specified id


Number unlike <input type="number"/> returns a numeric value instead of a string. Usage of this editor will allow you to avoid problems with the validation of numbers. That’s why we advise to use it for work with numbers.

Number Properties

Type Name Description
Any value Field value
Function onChange Value change handler


Checkbox editor is a React wrapper which handle indeterminate state of checkbox. In some use cases you will need nested checkboxes. If all those children are checked, it may be checked; if none - it is unchecked. If some of them are checked, then it’s in an indeterminate state.

Checkbox Properties

Type Name Description
Boolean checked If is checked
Function onChange Value change handler
Boolean indeterminate If checkbox is in indeterminate state