Grid Component

Grid is a simple React component with huge capabilities which helps to create data driven spreadsheets with capabilities of:

    ref={(grid) => this.grid = grid}


Type Name Description
GridModel model Required. Grid model instance
Object cols Required. Grid columns configuration. Check out description here
String [ ] || Object viewColumns Optional. Visible columns list
String height Optional. Table height if you need grid to be scrollable
Boolean saveFullRecord=false Optional. Pass all record fields (not just changed) flag
Boolean autoSubmit Optional. Submit changed(in inplace editor) grid records on blur event
Number defaultViewCount=0 Optional. Default records count per page (which can be further changed by grid methods)
Number viewCount Optional. Static records count per page. Locks records count per page preventing further changes by grid methods
Number [ ] viewVariants Optional. Records count per page options
Function onChangeViewCount Optional. Records count per page change handler
Function onSelectedChange Optional. Custom records selection(by checkboxes in grid) change handler
String className Optional. HTML ‘class’ attribute
Boolean multipleSorting=false Optional. Multiple sorting flag. If true - it will be available to sort by multiple rules.
Object || Object [ ] defaultSort Optional. Default sorting direction(which can be further changed by grid methods). Should be an Object (or Arry of such objects) with fields column and direction(one of ‘asc’/’desc’), e.g.: {column: “age”, direction: “asc”}
Object || Object [ ] sort Optional. Static sorting direction. Locks sorting in only this way preventing further changes by grid methods. Should be an Object (or Arry of such objects) with fields column and direction(one of ‘asc’/’desc’), e.g.: {column: “age”, direction: “asc”}. If an array is passed, the sorting will be performed by all specified rules one by one(rule with smaller index has bigger priority).
Function onSorting Optional. Sorting changes handler(is called when way of sorting is changed)
Function onPageLoad Optional. Page load handler(is called when grid data for displaying a new page is loaded)
Function onError Optional. Errors handler. If it is omitted then appeared errors will be thrown(e.g. when grid data couldn’t be loaded because of network error)
Boolean partialErrorChecking=false Optional. Activate partial gradual grid validation(if true - fields validation will be called on blur event in inplace editors of the grid, else fields validation will be called in method)

onChangeViewCount arguments:

Type Name Description
Number count New value of the records count per page

onSelectedChange arguments:

Type Name Description
Any[] selectedIds New value of currently selected records ids
Number count New amount of currently selected records

onSorting arguments:

Type Name Description
Object || Object [ ] || null sortState New sorting rules state. null if no sorting rules is set, else returns object if props.multipleSorting isn’t set else returns object[] with sorting rules; the object will consist of fields “column” and “direction”.
String column New selected for sorting column name
String direction New selected for sorting direction

onPageLoad arguments:

Type Name Description
Any data New data which was successfully loaded from the

onError arguments:

Type Name Description
Any error Error which was caught while fetching data from the



  grid.set(recordId, data);

Change grid record. The method marks changed fields and validates them. If autoSubmit is turned on, method will be called.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record that is to be updated
Object data Required. Data to be set. Expected object structure: {field1: ‘value1’, …, fieldN: ‘valueN’}


  const gridRecord = grid.getRecord(recordId);

Get record data by recordId. If the record has changes the result data will contain these changes too.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to get data of

Returns: Object with record data which has the following structure: {field1: 'value1', ..., fieldN: 'valueN'}.


  const recordChanges = grid.getRecordChanges(recordId);

Get record changes by recordId. If the record has no changes an empty object will be returned.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to get changes of

Returns: Object with record changes which has the following structure: {field1: 'changes1', ..., fieldN: 'changesN'}.


  const recErrors = grid.getRecordErrors(recordId);

Get validation errors of the record with specified recordId.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to get errors of

Returns: ValidationErrors instance.


  const errors = grid.getErrors();

Get validation errors of all grid records.

Returns: null if there is no errors else Array of record entries in format: [[‘recId1’, validationErrorsInstance1], …, [‘recIdN’, validationErrorsInstanceN]].


  const gridModel = grid.getModel();

Get grid model(which was passed to the grid as props.model).

Returns: GridModel instance.

async save

  const result = await;

Save grid changes: calls props.model.update with current grid changes and resolves it’s response. If the result of that call contains ValidationErrors, they will be added to internal errors list. Successfully saved changes will be cleared form changes list.

Returns: promise which resolves with response from props.model.update.



Clear record changes. Corresponding warnings and errors for the record will be cleared as well.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to clear changes of



Clear all grid changes(and their warnings and errors).



Reset grid to its initial state: set page = 1 and reset sorting.



Event handler of displayed rows count change in a grid. The method is useful if you would like to implement your own component for selecting amount of records per page, so you would add this event handler to your component and when it is called the grid will perform the event.


Type Name Description
SyntheticEvent event Required. Event of changing view count in a corresponding React Component. The new value of viewCount is expected to be in



Event handler of moving to the first page in the grid pagination. The method is useful if you’d like to implement your own grid pagination, so you would add this event handler to your component and when it is called the grid will perform the event.


Type Name Description
SyntheticEvent event Required. Event of moving to the first page of the grid pagination in a corresponding React Component. It will be called event.preventDefault() in case the corresponding component is a button and moved to the first page in the grid pagination.



Event handler of moving to the last page in the grid pagination. The method is useful if you’d like to implement your own grid pagination, so you would add this event handler to your component and when it is called the grid will perform the event.


Type Name Description
SyntheticEvent event Required. Event of moving to the last page of the grid pagination in a corresponding React Component. It will be called event.preventDefault() in case the corresponding component is a button and moved to the last page in the grid pagination.



Event handler of moving to the previous page in the grid pagination. The method is useful if you’d like to implement your own grid pagination, so you would add this event handler to your component and when it is called the grid will perform the event.


Type Name Description
SyntheticEvent event Required. Event of moving to the previous page of the grid pagination in a corresponding React Component. It will be called event.preventDefault() in case the corresponding component is a button and moved to the next page in the grid pagination.



Event handler of moving to the next page in the grid pagination. The method is useful if you’d like to implement your own grid pagination, so you would add this event handler to your component and when it is called the grid will perform the event.


Type Name Description
SyntheticEvent event Required. Event of moving to the next page of the grid pagination in a corresponding React Component. It will be called event.preventDefault() in case the corresponding component is a button and moved to the next page in the grid pagination.


  const currPageIndex = grid.getCurrentPage();

Get current page index (pagination item number) (numeration from 0).

Returns: Number.


  const gridRecordsNumber = grid.getCountRecords();

Get overall number of records in the grid (including all pagination pages, even if those pages aren’t fetched yet).

Returns: Number. If the grid has no records the method will return 0.



Set current page index(pagination item number) (numeration from 0).



Set number of displayed elements(table rows) for each page.

This method is only available if props.viewCount isn’t set.


Type Name Description
Number viewCount Required. Amount of displayed elements(table rows) for each page. The value must be >= 0. 0 means “display all records on 1 page”.


  const gridPagesCount = grid.getPagesCount();

Get number of pages in pagination.

Returns: Number


  grid.sort(string field, string direction)

Add sorting of grid records by specified field in specified direction: if props.multipleSorting is set - the specified rule will be added to an internal sorting queue, else an internal sorting queue will be set to the specified rule. The grid will be rerenderead and props.onSorting will be called afterwards.

This method is only available if props.sort isn’t set.

Sorting is performed by props.model, not by the grid component itself. Grid component only passes there its internal sorting queue in method.


Type Name Description
String field Required. Field name(in props.model) to sort by.
String direction Required. Sorting direction to sort in. Expected to be one of: ‘asc’/’desc’/’default’.


  const sortingRules = grid.getSortDirection();

Get current sorting rules.

Returns: null if no sorting rules is set, else returns object if props.multipleSorting isn’t set else returns object[] with sorting rules. The object will consist of fields “column” and “direction”.



Reset sorting rules to default parameters(props.defaultSort). Calls props.onSorting and rerenders grid table afterwards.

This method is only available if props.sort isn’t set.


  grid.addRecordStatus(recordId, status);

Add record status(the status will be stored in internal hash map and it will be set className with the status value to the corresponding row in the grid).


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to add status to.
String status Required. Status value


  grid.addRecordStatusGroup(Array group, status);

Add status to records group(to each record of the specified array group) (the status will be stored in an internal hash map and it will be set className with the status value to the corresponding row in the grid).


Type Name Description
Any[] group Required. IDs of records to add status to.
String status Required. Status value


  grid.removeRecordStatus(recordId, status);

Remove record status(the status will be removed from the internal hash map and it will be removed className with the status value from the corresponding row in the grid).


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to remove status from.
String status Required. Status value.


  const recHasStatus = grid.hasRecordStatus(recordId, status);

Check record status presence.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. ID of the record to check status of.
String status Required. Status value.

Returns: Boolean. true - record with id = recordId has status, else returns false.


  const ids = grid.getAllWithStatus(status);

Get all record IDs that have the specified status.


Type Name Description
String status Required. Status value.

Returns: Array with IDs of records that have specified status. If there is no records that have the specified status, an empty array will be returned.



Remove specified status from all records.

Type Name Description
String status Required. Status value to remove.


  grid.setSelectedRecords(selectedIds, blackListMode);

Select only specific records.


Type Name Description
Any[] selectedIds Required. IDs of records to select.
Boolean blackListMode Optional. true = BlackList mode will be turned on. By default WhiteList mode is turned on.


  grid.selectRecord(recordId, ignoreBlackList);

Select specified record. props.onSelectedChange() will be called afterwards. If all the grid records becomes selected - the BlackList mode will be toggled.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. Record id to select
Boolean ignoreBlackList=false Optional. true = select record despite BlackList mode


  grid.unselectRecord(recordId, ignoreBlackList);

Unselect specified record. props.onSelectedChange() will be called afterwards. If all the grid records becomes selected - the BlackList mode will be toggled.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. Record id to select
Boolean ignoreBlackList=false Optional. true = unselect record despite BlackList mode


  isRecSelected = grid.isSelected(recordId);

Check if a record is selected.


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. Record id to check selection of.

Returns: Boolean. Record selection state: true - record is selected and records selection mode = ‘Whitelist’, else returns false.



Switch selection of the specified record: if the record is selected, it will be called grid.unselectRecord(), else it will be called grid.selectRecord().


Type Name Description
Any recordId Required. Record id to switch selection of.



Switch records selection mode: if current state is “blacklist”, calls grid.unselectAll(), else calls grid.selectAll().



Select all records: switches records selection mode to “blacklist”, clears list of selected records, rerenders grid table and calls props.onSelectedChange().



Unselect all records: switches records selection mode to “whitelist”, clears list of selected records, rerenders grid table and calls props.onSelectedChange().


  const isBlackMode = grid.isSelectBlackMode();

Get current records selection mode.

Returns: Boolean. Records selection mode: true - Blacklist, false - Whitelist.


  const selectedRecordIds = grid.getAllSelected();

Get IDs of selected records. Note that if Blacklist is turned on, it will be returned IDs of UNselected records.

Returns: Array. E.g.: [1, 3, 17]

async updateTable

  await grid.updateTable();

Update table (it will fetch table data calling Note that it will be fetched only visible data, so if the grid has several pages of data, it will be fetched only data of the current page.

Usage example

class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
  clearChanges() {
    this.grid.clearAllChanges();      //here we use one of the grid component methods

  render() {
    return (
        ref={(grid) => this.grid = grid}
        model={this.state.model}                             // Grid model
        cols={columns}                                       // columns configuration
        viewCount={10}                                       // display 10 records per page
        defaultSort=\{\{column: "name", direction: "asc"\}\} // default sorting
      <a className="btn btn-success" onClick={this.clearChanges}>Clear</a>

ReactDOM.render(<ExampleComponent />, document.getElementById('example'));

Full example you can found in the tutorial.